This is Midnight Dancer

Midnight, as she is affectionately known , has been recently weaned from Firedancer. She is a really sweet girl and since
running is in her blood that is her favourite past time. She is by Midnight Dreaming and is out of Firedancer both Thoroughbreds.

currently an entry in the Contest at the Double Horseshoe Ranch. |
Sneaky little Midnight has somehow gotten hold of the key and is trying to get out of her stall. Sneaky filly!

For the Contest pic Shown above, Midnight won first place for Most Creative!

This is Magic's Promise. Promise is a Friesian/Thoroughbred cross. She loves to show off and has a beautiful stride.She
is one of our newest mares.

She is by Black Magic and Promise Me This

This is the trophy Promise won when she was a foal. |
